Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Celtic CrossFit

Monday: OK/NM/N.TX Sectional WOD 1

3 rounds for time:

row 500m

10 Squat clean and overhead, 135lb

10 kipping pull ups

Time= 11:37


21-15-9 Burpees/Sled Pull & Drag, 100lb

Time= 3:57

Tuesday: Hawaii Sectional "Gauntlet" WOD

"Jackie", "Karabell", "Cindy" in 30 min. Score = total "Cindy" rounds

Score= 7

Wednesday: Oregon Deadlift Triplet WOD

3 Rounds of:

10 Deadlift, 315lb

20 Ring Dips

30 Box Jumps, 24"

Time= 9:49

Rested 1 Hour, then did "Grace" minus 2 reps (no one was counting and I just lost track of where I was at...SO PISSED afterwards!!!):

Time= 1:50


I plan to rest-but we'll see...

Food Intake for the past three days:

Lots of chicken, salmon, egg whites, Spinach, broccoli, sweet potatos, coffee, and H2O.

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