Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Jeremy's Revenge

I like-a-da TTB

Got a little two-a-days action in today with a WOD called "Freddy's Revenge" this a.m. and a Front Squat WOD this afternoon.

"Freddy's Revenge"

5 rounds for time of:

5 reps, 185lb Push Jerk

10 Burpees

I told myself I wasn't going to keep time but was just going to try to move through it...I, of course, couldn't help but keep from looking at the clock. This was my first time at this WOD and, like all WODs on paper- it looked alot easier than in practice. I did it in 8:36 but actually did 6 reps of push jerk the first two rounds (no idea why- just lost count I guess).

After having my ego crushed by the WOD and my clavicles crushed by the bar I figured a 2nd afternoon workout would do me some good. So I did:

Front Squat 7 reps at...

95lb, 115lb, 135lb, 155lb, 185lb, 205lb, and 225lb- all sets unbroken except the last (into 4 and 3). In between each set, I did 7 strict toes to bar.

Tonight I'll sleep well.

Food intake:


Yogurt, granola, and blueberries. Also had a cup of coffee.


Tuna, relish, small amt of light mayo

whole wheat crackers

an apple


and a muscle milk drank


Veggie Burritto from Qudoba w chicken and steak

no rice

black beans


and lettuce

Post dinner- dinner

protein bar and milk

Lots of H2o throughout the day.

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