Tuesday, April 27, 2010
North Central WOD 3
Monday, April 26, 2010
North Central WOD 2: "The Lift"
Here's the 250lb C & J:
And here's my PR @ 255lb:
Friday, April 23, 2010
Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Sinusitis Cindy
Went to bed last night around 7:30 cuz I was feelin like crap. Woke up this am and not much felt like it had changed. I think my allergies are getting to me. Whatever it is, I had a headache and sinus/coughy throat thing going on all day. Still managed to push though "Cindy" this afternoon just for the heck of it. I figure "why not?" at this point. I tied my PR with 22 rounds. It felt good to sweat- but overall I still feel a bit run down. Guns and Hoses Challenge this weekend should be good. It'll be nice to be around athletes competing right before I go to regionals next week. I'm thinking about trying out WOD 2 for their challenge sometime tomorrow.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
The Final Push, Jerk
Yesterday went a little better. In the AM I started by working up to 1RM Push Jerk. Got to 250lb (tied my PR)...
...then worked up to 1RM Power Clean. Got to 250lb (PR is 265lb)...
If I would've done power cleans first, I'd have probably done better on them and worse on the push jerks- so I'm just gonna call it a wash. I finished up yesterday in the afternoon with the CFS daily WOD from today:
Row 500,400,300,200, and 100m each for time- rest 2-3 min between efforts. My times were 1:30/ 1:13/ :53/ :35/ :16 . It's down to the wire now with regionals coming up next Saturday in Denver. Tomorrow I'll take an active rest day and just move through a WOD like Cindy or Chelsea. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I plan to hit it hard. From there I'll begin my taper into the competition. I feel mentally and physically prepared. For whatever reason (at least right now) I feel less pressure than I did a couple of months ago going into sectionals. I'm sure the anxiousness will start to hit next week...
Monday, April 19, 2010
Filthy 50
I felt fresh coming off of a nice Sunday rest day spent marinating with the family at the park. The weather was georgeous outside so we decided to get out and enjoy the day. One week out from Regionals...I'm feeling ready to rock!
Vin and Daddy enjoying a little stroll in the park.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Got V.S.B?
Friday I did 21-15-9 BW Backsquat (205lb) & HSPU. It took me 10:09. I rested about 5 min then did 3 rounds for time of 15 Ring Dips, Run 400m. I did that in 7:35.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Yesterday: CFS WOD, Today: Rest Day
Did the CFS WOD yesterday to see how it would be. I had a little bit of reservation going into it because my hands look like someone took them to a meat grinder. But I gave it a go...AMRAP in 15 min of: 10 Pull Ups, 7 HPC @ 135lb, 5 Burpees. 9Rds. Ok, I guess- had a hard time pushing through (despite Jessi's constant barrage of, "Come on, J- you can get another round, but you gotta GO!") My freakin' fangers needed a rest day, dang it...but I wouldn't listen. Ready for a good one tomorrow...
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Monday, April 12, 2010
Regionals Tune-Up: Take 2
3) max consecutive reps of Push Jerk, 155/95lb
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Backsquats & "DT"
Now...on to more serious matters: Yesterday Jessi got video of Coach B and Seabiscuit playing a game of "Look what I can do!" What happened next was hilarity. In the words of the great Chaz Michael Michaels, "Your welcome, Stockholm"