Well weeks have gone by and I've slacked tremendously on keeping my Proximal Strength site up to speed so I figure I'll try to re-hash this last month as best I can and hopefully bring ya up to speed on what's been shakin' in Mhiretown. Deal? Well screw you then. Listen anyways...I got two chirrens now. I'm sorry, maybe you don't speak worn-down daddy talk. I repeat: I gots two chirrens now. Seriously, everyone tries to brief you on just how big of a change it is when you go from 1 to 2 kids. Guess I was just naive to think that it wouldn't change the family dynamic like it has. The biggest change is the lack of personal time your able to take for yourself. There is, of course, now two more life-forms for whom you must actively engage and wipe feces from their butts. The old, "You've gone from zone to man-to-man defense" line could never be more true. I've always said that this whole blogging thing is more for me than for anyone else. When done consistently, it's a fulfilling opportunity to reflect and get inside of my own headspace. Hopefully I'll be able to get back to it more often in the coming months.
All things considered, time marches onward. My beautiful children, Vincent and Emille are blossoming into vibrant and brilliant little characters in our own Mhire house-hold reality TV show. Vin, the wild and rambunctious wannabe rockstar crossfitter and Emille, the adorable baby girl who will sometimes catch you off-gaurd with her rocket propelled flatulence. I must admit, it's been the most rewarding accomplishment in my life: To now have this wonderful family to love and care for. Emille's addition to our family has helped me and Jenny to be more intentional in our quest to work together as a team. I think we're doing quite well.

Summer is drawing to a close and we've made some sweet memories: A trip to Joplin to assist in relief efforts, a week long stay in Joplin with Jenny's family where we were able to relax and let the kids bond with Grandma and Papa, CFS's journey to LA to compete in the spectacle that was the 2011 CrossFit Games, lounging by the pool at the Wistrom casa, and a couple of awesome weekend trips to the lake.

It certainly has been a HOT summer. As far as my training is concerned, I've been enjoying myself a lot since my Games Season concluded at Regionals. I've not had much structure to anything I've been doing but I've still had a few highlights over the past couple of months (PRs on Fran: 2:24, Deadlift: 525lb, Overhead Squat: 290lb, FGB 403, Clean: 290lb, Front Racked Split Jerk: 285lb, King Kong: 6:19, and the CrossFit Total: BS 340/SP 190/DL 525). This Games off-season, my goals are to increase my maximal strength and to gain more capacity with the HSPU; my only real nemesis at Regionals.

Other than my own personal athletic pursuits, I'm eager to keep the ball rolling towards the
Heart of America CrossFit Team Competition which CFS will host this November. I'm praying for this event to be well planned, well organized, and well received by all who participate! I can say this: THE WODS WILL BE AWESOME. I've completed the programming for HOA III and I honestly think this is the best I've ever done at creating events that will accurately reflect which teams should finish on the podium. We'll see....
CrossFit Springfield continues to grow in many areas: members, inspiration, toughness, and very soon, equipment! Over the next few weeks, we'll be providing our members with tons more toys! Can't wait to dish'em out!!!