"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me.
Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me." ~ Psalm 51:10-12
Monday, June 2, 2014
Sunday, May 18, 2014
So many changes have occurred since 2008 when we were the one and only CrossFit box in Southwest Missouri. At that time, we were a bare-boned maybe 750sq ft room embedded within Next Level Fitness Academy, a hodge-podge group of class offerings such as hip-hop dance, Pilates, Capoera, bootcamps, and personal training. Our CrossFit model was in stark contrast to the practices of each of the other disciplines. If CrossFit Springfield was going to be successful, we had to jump ship on the idea of an all-inclusive training facility geared toward integrated fitness philosophies and go all in on the CF affiliate model. Jessi and I chose to move forward together to get our L1 CrossFit Certs and begin CFS. We moved out of the facility we were in and went up the road to lease a building that had previously been used as a liberty bank. I programmed and we both taught daily WODs while Jessi handled our books and member billing. Meanwhile, Jessi completed her nursing degree and I my Sports Med degree at MSU. Throughout this time our member base began to grow and thrive - we were quickly moving to the point where we felt our business model was becoming a more stable operation. In 2010, we decided to take the plunge and seek out a larger, more permanent location where we could facilitate our then 200+ member base.
We moved to Sunset street on Kansas Exp into an industrial complex space that had previously been used as an MMA studio. The space was around 7500 sq ft and was the perfect next home for CFS. It was here that we began developing a more structured operation - daycare, more class times, rowing classes, and also developing a greater desire to see our top athletes refine and build the necessary skills to become high level competitors.
Around this time, while still coaching several classes a day and maintaining CFS daily programming, I also began to pour more into my own desire to compete as a high level Crossfitter. All the while, because we were still the only CF gym in town, our growth continued to surge. SO much to the point that after just one year, we were ready to explore new options for a larger space.
Within the next year we had moved into a now 12,500sq ft facility and were bringing on more coaches to staff our growing class schedules. Around this time we had reached probably around 300-400 members.
I'll be the first to admit that because of my own personal desire to compete at a high level, I began backing off of the amount of classes I was coaching in order to primarily program the website and focus on my training. I don't regret this decision as it ultimately helped to promote our gym and led to my success as an individual competitor - however, the fact that it took time away from me being in the trenches consistently as a coach, I believe it hurt our gym.
Fast forward to 2013, after signing two athlete sponsorship deals, I felt an even greater sense of urgency to compete and perform - again detracting me from the hands-on day-to-day grind of coaching and being a presence at CFS. As an aside, I must be sure to state that the pressure was intrinsic and only from within myself - JUNK Brands and 1st Phorm have ALWAYS been overwhelmingly supportive of me FIRST as an individual and SECONDLY as a competitor. For this, I am eternally grateful.
From late 2012 to the beginning of 2014, I competed in ShredFest, The OC Throwdown, RAID Games, The Open, Regionals, WOD Wars, Planned and directed HOA, and competed at Wodapalooza. Without question, this overextended myself and detracted from my ability to pour into CFS, our members, my family, and much of anything else.
So earlier this year, after Wodapalooza and after much prayer and reflection, I drew a line in the sand and made a very deliberate decision. I chose to be intentional about shifting my personal focus and energy back to THE GRIND. No more long, drawn-out seasons of energy poured into my own pursuits, but rather to once again go back to the basics of leading our members at CFS by becoming the leader, owner, and coach that I should have focused on being ALL ALONG.
CFS is no longer the only place in the Springfield MO area for CrossFit. The market is now literally 10 times bigger than it was in 2008. With as many boxes as we now have in the area, many CrossFitters have looked across town and said, "Where is the most convenient place for me to train at?" That is a completely logical and understandable notion. And I'm OK with it...However, my response will be to pour every ounce of my being into making CFS the BEST place it can be to not only train and to be coached, but also to give our current athletes the opportunity to experience what our first members felt in full force: COMMUNITY. Fully Engaged COACHING, TEACHING, CARING, and ENCOURAGEMENT. High-fives, handshakes, and lot's of hugs. It's what our box was built upon and what it has been lacking and what I pray will never take a backseat to ANYTHING ELSE.
I have always said that I believe God gives us the exact amount of time, talent, and energy to do all that which HE has called us to do in life. As God's Spirit and Will allows, I will remain steadfast and wholeheartedly committed to the task of forging a healthy CrossFit community at CrossFit Springfield; Physically, Mentally, Spiritually, Emotionally, Financially, and Culturally. I feel blessed and so thankful for the many coaches, athletes, members, individuals and friends who have remained faithful and loyal to our gym and our mission. A mission that will never be one that is easily accomplished. There will always be the need to HUSTLE and GRIND. I, for one, have learned to both EMBRACE and CELEBRATE it.
As always, thank you for your commitment to excellence and to each other.
Love and Cheers,
Jeremy Mhire
We moved to Sunset street on Kansas Exp into an industrial complex space that had previously been used as an MMA studio. The space was around 7500 sq ft and was the perfect next home for CFS. It was here that we began developing a more structured operation - daycare, more class times, rowing classes, and also developing a greater desire to see our top athletes refine and build the necessary skills to become high level competitors.
Around this time, while still coaching several classes a day and maintaining CFS daily programming, I also began to pour more into my own desire to compete as a high level Crossfitter. All the while, because we were still the only CF gym in town, our growth continued to surge. SO much to the point that after just one year, we were ready to explore new options for a larger space.
Within the next year we had moved into a now 12,500sq ft facility and were bringing on more coaches to staff our growing class schedules. Around this time we had reached probably around 300-400 members.
I'll be the first to admit that because of my own personal desire to compete at a high level, I began backing off of the amount of classes I was coaching in order to primarily program the website and focus on my training. I don't regret this decision as it ultimately helped to promote our gym and led to my success as an individual competitor - however, the fact that it took time away from me being in the trenches consistently as a coach, I believe it hurt our gym.
Fast forward to 2013, after signing two athlete sponsorship deals, I felt an even greater sense of urgency to compete and perform - again detracting me from the hands-on day-to-day grind of coaching and being a presence at CFS. As an aside, I must be sure to state that the pressure was intrinsic and only from within myself - JUNK Brands and 1st Phorm have ALWAYS been overwhelmingly supportive of me FIRST as an individual and SECONDLY as a competitor. For this, I am eternally grateful.
From late 2012 to the beginning of 2014, I competed in ShredFest, The OC Throwdown, RAID Games, The Open, Regionals, WOD Wars, Planned and directed HOA, and competed at Wodapalooza. Without question, this overextended myself and detracted from my ability to pour into CFS, our members, my family, and much of anything else.
So earlier this year, after Wodapalooza and after much prayer and reflection, I drew a line in the sand and made a very deliberate decision. I chose to be intentional about shifting my personal focus and energy back to THE GRIND. No more long, drawn-out seasons of energy poured into my own pursuits, but rather to once again go back to the basics of leading our members at CFS by becoming the leader, owner, and coach that I should have focused on being ALL ALONG.
CFS is no longer the only place in the Springfield MO area for CrossFit. The market is now literally 10 times bigger than it was in 2008. With as many boxes as we now have in the area, many CrossFitters have looked across town and said, "Where is the most convenient place for me to train at?" That is a completely logical and understandable notion. And I'm OK with it...However, my response will be to pour every ounce of my being into making CFS the BEST place it can be to not only train and to be coached, but also to give our current athletes the opportunity to experience what our first members felt in full force: COMMUNITY. Fully Engaged COACHING, TEACHING, CARING, and ENCOURAGEMENT. High-fives, handshakes, and lot's of hugs. It's what our box was built upon and what it has been lacking and what I pray will never take a backseat to ANYTHING ELSE.
I have always said that I believe God gives us the exact amount of time, talent, and energy to do all that which HE has called us to do in life. As God's Spirit and Will allows, I will remain steadfast and wholeheartedly committed to the task of forging a healthy CrossFit community at CrossFit Springfield; Physically, Mentally, Spiritually, Emotionally, Financially, and Culturally. I feel blessed and so thankful for the many coaches, athletes, members, individuals and friends who have remained faithful and loyal to our gym and our mission. A mission that will never be one that is easily accomplished. There will always be the need to HUSTLE and GRIND. I, for one, have learned to both EMBRACE and CELEBRATE it.
As always, thank you for your commitment to excellence and to each other.
Love and Cheers,
Jeremy Mhire
Friday, December 13, 2013
Got cabin fever? We've got the cure...
Me and the Vin-man, determined to make good use of yet another snow day:)
Friday, November 15, 2013
I Will Carry On. I Will...
"Carry each other’s burdens; in doing so you will fulfill the law of Christ. If anyone thinks they are important when they aren't, they are deceiving themselves. Let everyone be sure that he is doing his very best, for then he will have the personal satisfaction of work well done and won’t need to compare himself with someone else. Each of us must bear our own faults and burdens. For none of us is perfect!
Those who are taught the word should share all good things with their teacher. Make no mistake, God is not mocked. A person will harvest what they plant. Those who plant only for their own benefit will harvest devastation from their selfishness, but those who plant for the benefit of the Spirit will harvest eternal life from the Spirit. Let’s not get tired of doing good, because in time we’ll have a harvest if we don’t give up. So then, let’s work for the good of all whenever we have an opportunity, and especially for those in the household of faith."
~ Galations 6:2-10
I love this passage of scripture. I think it sums up perfectly the daily mindset I strive to apply to all aspects of my life: As a husband, a father, a friend, in business, in my training, and in my spiritual walk with Christ.
It's an awesome framework for daily living if you take a step back and look at the big points:
*I need to seek out opportunities to SERVE others; in doing so I will please The Lord.
*I need to be HUMBLE because I'm not as cool as I think I am.
*Everyday I will give my VERY BEST so that - no matter the outcome - I will be happy with my EFFORT.
*When I SCREW UP, I will acknowledge it.
*Every ounce of blood, sweat, tears, energy, pain, and stress poured into each day is a deposit into what will someday be a handsome REWARD. I must carry on; I must Protect This House...
Love & Blessings! Have a happy Friday and an awesome weekend:)
~ Cochise
Those who are taught the word should share all good things with their teacher. Make no mistake, God is not mocked. A person will harvest what they plant. Those who plant only for their own benefit will harvest devastation from their selfishness, but those who plant for the benefit of the Spirit will harvest eternal life from the Spirit. Let’s not get tired of doing good, because in time we’ll have a harvest if we don’t give up. So then, let’s work for the good of all whenever we have an opportunity, and especially for those in the household of faith."
~ Galations 6:2-10
I love this passage of scripture. I think it sums up perfectly the daily mindset I strive to apply to all aspects of my life: As a husband, a father, a friend, in business, in my training, and in my spiritual walk with Christ.
It's an awesome framework for daily living if you take a step back and look at the big points:
*I need to seek out opportunities to SERVE others; in doing so I will please The Lord.
*I need to be HUMBLE because I'm not as cool as I think I am.
*Everyday I will give my VERY BEST so that - no matter the outcome - I will be happy with my EFFORT.
*When I SCREW UP, I will acknowledge it.
*Every ounce of blood, sweat, tears, energy, pain, and stress poured into each day is a deposit into what will someday be a handsome REWARD. I must carry on; I must Protect This House...
Love & Blessings! Have a happy Friday and an awesome weekend:)
~ Cochise
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
The Cry of My Heart
Father God,
Search my heart and illuminate my spirit,
Fill my soul with the warmth and breathe of Your everlasting love,
Give me the strength to seek You in all I do,
Grant me wisdom and clarity so I may discern and obey Your voice,
Forgive me for my many failures,
Lift me up and restore me when I am weak and broken,
Break me and humble me when I am victorious,
In all my ways, may I acknowledge and glorify You,
As You lead me, may I be a faithful leader to those whom you entrust to me,
Please protect me and my family from the enemy,
Guard us from those who would seek to do us any harm,
May I always strive to be quick to love, quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger,
Lord, You are the vine; I am a branch,
Help me to remain in You and You in me, so that my life might bear much fruit,
Apart from You, I can do nothing; With you, ALL things are possible,
Thank You for being so patient with me,
Thank You for extending grace and redemption to me through Your son, Jesus Christ
I remain eternally grateful for Your many blessings,
May my life be a worshipful reflection of my gratitude unto You,
It is with great praise and a joyful heart that I remain humbly Your servant,
Jeremy Mhire
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
I scream this at my athletes daily. I speak this to myself before every lift. I pray every day for the strength and diligence to remain committed to all that God has called me to.
To commit means to put your trust entirely into a deed or an ideal. Too many people are wafflers these days. Hot one second and cold the next. All-in one second and no where to be found the next.
I am not a waffler. Quote me on that. Take it to the bank. I'd rather go with my gut making a decision and be dead wrong, learn from my mistake, and not repeat it than flounder in the breeze or sit idly in the ocean.
Young or old, your time is now. Take control. Take action.
“Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.” ~ James 1:4
“Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.” ~ James 1:4
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Ultimate Bro-Out
Navy Chaplain Lt. Commander Tom Webber baptizes Corporal Albert Martinez in a sandbag lined pool during a ceremony at Camp Inchon, Kuwait, March 16, 2003. Photo by Hayne Palmour IV.
~ Titus 3:4-7
Sunday, July 7, 2013
All That Is Within YOU...
YOU can breathe.
YOU have a great calling.
YOU are created for a divine purpose.
YOU are a leader with power to influence others.
YOU are a servant blessed with an abundance of good gifts worth sharing.
YOU are not driftwood, but rather a mighty ship with a beautiful final destination.
YOU were made to live with passion and vigor; to burn as a brilliant light.
YOU are hope in the face of adversity and chaos.
YOU have strength to fight every enemy.
YOU will be victorious.
YOU can smile.
"The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in YOU. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within YOU." ~ Romans 8:11
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