Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Fight Gone Great

Monday, March 29, 2010
Jeremy vs Fran

I kind of punked out on my pull ups on the round of 15 and with the last 9 at the end but-all things considered-I'm alright with the performance. There's no doubt I can improve. Next time I'm shooting for 2:45.
This afternoon I'm going to do 5 x 5 Front Squats. I'll probably row 5k as well just to make up for all the crap I ate this weekend.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Jump on it.
3 rounds for time
30 Push Press, 65lb
50 Double Unders
Time: 7:03
12-9-6 of Ring Dips & TTB
10 Squat Cleans, 135lb
12-9-6 of HSPU & Burpees
10 Thrusters, 135lb
12-9-6 of Power Clean 135lb & Pull Ups
10 Snatches, 135lb
Time: 19:19
Not gonna lie- Tonto's feelin' a bit run down after 5 days on. Big boy no mo likey jump on it. I've been getting sport's massages once a week from Kory Johnson at Springfield Massage Works for the past month and they've definately helped me in terms of recovery. I could go for one right now. Tomorrow I'm takin' a rest day.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Preparing for Regionals

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
OHS & Toop.
I, of course, immediately rubbed Vin's nose in it to learn him a lesson. Good stuff. I'm reeling from yesterday's WOD: 10-1 Rounds for time of 225lb Backsquat and CTB Pull Ups in 12 min 27 sec. I'm sore everywhere and it's rediculous. As for today's performance menu: I did OHS 5x3 then 30 OHS for time @ 135lb with Grant and Brian. Got 235lb x 3...
Did the 30 OHS @ 135lb for time in 1:18. It was a good day. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to take a toop.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
MO CFit Scrimmage

CrossFit Valley Park Welcomes CF Springfield from daniel thacker on Vimeo.
I was very happy with my performances- ecspecially with the event falling at the end of a rigorous week of training. All I know for sure is that I'm definately feelin' the soreness today after all the madness!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Celtic CrossFit

Sunday, March 14, 2010
*The McBlog is Back!

Thursday- Rest Day
100 Burpee Pull Ups for time
I did it in 12 minutes.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Sunny with a chance of Vomit.

10 Hang Power Clean, 155lb
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Couger on the PROWLER
My WOD today was...
30 Pull Ups
255lb Prowler sled push, 100ft
10 KB Front Squats, 2 x 24kg KBs
255lb Prowler sled push, 100ft
8 KB Front Squats, 2 x 24kg KBs
255lb Prowler sled push, 100ft
6 KB Front Squats, 2 x 24kg KBs
255lb Prowler sled push, 100ft
4 KB Front Squats, 2 x 24kg KBs
255lb Prowler sled push, 100ft
2 KB Front Squats, 2 x 24kg KBs
30 Pull Ups
9:31. It freakin' burned.
Ate good quality food in large quantities.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I did have one funny thing happen to me today. We've got an exercise science major from MSU interning with us at CrossFit Springfield. The lab teacher in his exercise perscription class used to be my clinical instructor when I did a rotation at st johns health tracks while getting my degree in Sports Medicine & Athletic Training. When the intern mentioned he was working with us at CrossFit Springfield, his teacher scoffed and railed him by saying, "Why would you go to school and get a degree in exercise science and then go work at a fitness place like that when you could do so much more?" I love how when people are insecure about whether or not they're fullfilling their personal or professional potential, they attempt to lower everyone and everything around them in order to somehow inflate themselves. I also love how, as CrossFit Springfield's influence grows, all those involved can practically palpate the energy, passion, care, and knowledge of our coaches, the love within our community, and the legitamacy of CrossFit Springfield as a strength and conditioning facility. It's contagious. It motivates. It inspires. It breeds success in the lives of those who work and train here. And THAT, my friends, is why we will continue to do "SO MUCH MORE".
Anyhoo...At noon I rolled through 30-20-10 rounds for time of: Ring Dips & SDHP, 75lb. It was a quick met-con. I focused on full ring dip ROM and made sure to not break any sets on SDHP. Time was 4:43. I finished with 200 Double unders.
Egg white omlette
2 cups of coffee
2 spicy tuna rolls and edamame
5 Chicken tacos
Lots of H20 all day.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Jeremy's Revenge
Got a little two-a-days action in today with a WOD called "Freddy's Revenge" this a.m. and a Front Squat WOD this afternoon.
"Freddy's Revenge"
5 rounds for time of:
5 reps, 185lb Push Jerk
10 Burpees
I told myself I wasn't going to keep time but was just going to try to move through it...I, of course, couldn't help but keep from looking at the clock. This was my first time at this WOD and, like all WODs on paper- it looked alot easier than in practice. I did it in 8:36 but actually did 6 reps of push jerk the first two rounds (no idea why- just lost count I guess).
After having my ego crushed by the WOD and my clavicles crushed by the bar I figured a 2nd afternoon workout would do me some good. So I did:
Front Squat 7 reps at...
95lb, 115lb, 135lb, 155lb, 185lb, 205lb, and 225lb- all sets unbroken except the last (into 4 and 3). In between each set, I did 7 strict toes to bar.
Tonight I'll sleep well.
Food intake:
Yogurt, granola, and blueberries. Also had a cup of coffee.
Tuna, relish, small amt of light mayo
whole wheat crackers
an apple
and a muscle milk drank
Veggie Burritto from Qudoba w chicken and steak
no rice
black beans
and lettuce
Post dinner- dinner
protein bar and milk
Lots of H2o throughout the day.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Girls Gone Wild
I started this week off strong with the best of "Grace", "Annie", and "Fran" in a mash-up WOD called "Girls Gone Wild":
10 Clean & Jerk, 135lb
50 Double Unders
50 Sit Ups
21 Thrusters, 95lb
21 Pull Ups
10 Clean & Jerk, 135lb
Did it in 4:55- it may have been a little faster if I was better at sit ups and hadn't gone to the wrong pull up bar and wasted a couple seconds- but overall I'm happy with a sub 5 min time on this one.
I've got my training schedule all mapped out for the week so we'll see how it goes...