The North Central Regional WODs have been announced: WOD 1: 1400m Run, WOD 2: 25 min 1 RM Ground to Overhead (basically Clean & Jerk), WOD 3: 3 Rounds of Row 500m, 12 OHS @ 115lb, and 50 Double Unders. WOD 4 will be announced on Saturday evening. I like'em. I've always said, "The simpler the WOD, the smaller the margin of error...they also tend to suck more." These workouts will be simple and straight forward. Since we're still a few days out, I took a stab at WOD 2 today. I got a 5lb PR (not much but I'll take it anyday) and managed to mess around with some technique things. It was definately a productive workout. My progression was 135, 185, 205, 235, 250 (previous PR), 255-PR, 265 failed on the jerk overhead.
Here's the 250lb C & J:
And here's my PR @ 255lb:
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