Saturday, August 14, 2010

Shoulders Officially Smoked.

260lb Ground to Overhead at the 2010 CrossFit Games North Central Regionals

Yesterday, I had a main course of 75 KB Swings @ 55lb, 50 H.P.C @ 115lb, 25 Push Press @ 115lb *For time- everytime you break a set, you must run 100m. I did the swings unbroken, ran 100m, did 20 H.P.C, ran 100m, 20 H.P.C, ran 100m, 10 H.P.C straight into 10 Push Press, ran 100m, and finished with 15 Push Press. Time = 9:42. Freakin' sweet WOD. It was challenging having to decide whether I had it in me to fight through more reps or just drop the bar and hit the road.

In the afternoon, I did push jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 and reached 260lb (ties PR). It's been awhile since I've felt that "super-good-next-day-sore" feeling in my shoulders and traps- I'm definitely feelin' it today! I've hit it 6 consecutive days so I think I'm gonna take a rest day today and enjoy some chill time with the family. Here's to the weekend! Cheers!

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