Monday, August 2, 2010

Me vs Me

Yesterday (Sunday), I did the "Double Helen Pyramid" WOD from the games with Darryl, Brian, and Grant. Hitting this one at 1pm with the heat index at 105 degrees and the uphill runs really made me wish I'd waited for the opportunity to do it on an indoor air-conditioned track with a go-cart. My strategy was to lay back and not finish first on the 1200m run (which I did), and then try to complete the first round of 63 KB swings in 3 sets or less (I got'em in 3- broke at 43, 53, and 63). My time ended up being 22:18. All things considered, I was happy with my performance. The swings and pull ups weren't too bad- it was the 800m and 400m runs that crushed me. Of course, I'm sure if I would've pushed the runs a little harder I'd have struggled more on the other modalities.

Today I hit the 9am CFS group WOD. I had initially planned on doing a different met-con today, but after writing the "12 Pack" WOD last night I was anxious to take a dose of my own medicine. Awesome/awful idea. Absolutely brutal workout. I ripped through the first 7 0r 8 movements and was probably on pace to finish in around 10-11 minutes...then I hit the 12 hang squat cleans. I had hoped to do two sets of 6 and ended up doing 4 sets of 3...then I hit the shoulder presses. I had the 12th rep just above my head at 11:56 and couldn't quite lock it out. Having to redo it cost me around 20 seconds, making my final time 12:18. Grrrr...oh, well. It's funny cuz even after not performing as well as I know I could've at regionals this year, I was more pissed off at myself today than I was then. It's mainly because I know that at regionals, even though things didn't go as well as I'd hoped for, I gave everything I had. Today I know I left a little gas in the tank during the couple of times in the WOD that I started feeling sorry for myself. It's easy to say, "Oh, I could've gotten sub-this or that if I would've had someone coaching me through" (which, by the way, is exactly what I told myself and others all day) but the real test of fortitude is when you can push yourself to your absolute limit when it's just you and the bar vs the clock.

~ Cochise out

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