Monday, July 26, 2010

"S.E.M Project", Day 8

This morning I went at a WOD I'm very familiar with. It was WOD 3 from the 2009 CrossFit Games Southwest Regionals...21-15-9 rounds for time of: 24" Box Jumps, 1.5 pood KB Swing, and 95lb SDHP. At this point, the workout feels like "Grace", "Fran", or "Helen" to me in that I've performed them so many times after 3 years of crossfitting that doing them feels like visiting with old friends; old friends who are trying to kill you. Two years ago at regionals I got 5:16 on this WOD. In February of this year I did it in 4:53. Today my time was 5:15- I'm not terribly panicked about the time, mainly because this is my 8th straight day of training.

8 days straight, so why not do two WODs today? Good idea, Jeremy. This afternoon at the CFS advanced WOD I got talked into doing the "Amanda" WOD from this year's CrossFit Games. It's 9-7-5 rounds for time of Muscle Ups & Squat Snatch. I performed the WOD to Games standards (rings set at a fists width above your hand when held upright, full extension and thumbs forward at the bottom of each muscle up rep, and legit squat snatches- NO power snatch with a OHS). I got the first 9 MU and 9 Squat snatches unbroken- then things started to become a grind. My round of 7 muscle ups was awful- I think I probably took 1-2 minutes to get through them. The snatches actually felt very managable for me throughout the entire WOD but I'd also consider them one of my strengths. My time ended up being 6:16. Although I know I did it in the comfort of my own box, that time would have placed me 30th at the games...which means absolutely nothing because I did it in the comfort of my own box and not at the games :)

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