Sunday, July 25, 2010

Attack of the CrossFit Babies!!!!

This weekend was chalked full of good times and great memories! It started on Saturday with Jessi's Baby shower/pool party at the Wistrom's. Incredible turnout- maybe 60-80 people showed up to shower Jessi, Ashley, and baby Gaines with love and gifts. Between chasing volleyballs through the cat litterbox at the corner of the Wistrom's sand VB court and lifegaurd duty for the 5 million rug rats who attended, I thoroughly enjoyed getting the opportuniy to chat with everyone in a cozy poolside setting.
Then Sunday we got to prep Coach B and Shanna's baby, "Jaxx" for his entrance into the wonderful CrossFit Springfield family world with none other than a WOD! 9 Rounds for time: 9 Pull Ups, 9 Push Ups, 9 Squats, then 1rep of bodyweight ground to OH- replecating 9 months of grinding it out day after day to grow a human and then getting a big "POP" at the end. A WOD imitating full-term pregnancy. It was beautiful. My time was 7:40.Saturday AM, I was able to get a quick metcon WOD in before I coached the Group WODs. It was 5 Rounds of 5 Squat Cleans @ 155lb, 7 DL @ 225lb, 5 HSPU, 7 Ring Dips, 5 L-Pull Ups, 7 Pull Ups. Didn't keep time- but went at it as hard as I could. Probably somewhere between 10-12minutes. I loved getting to see my wife and son jump in on the Saturday 9am Group WOD! They both kicked butt!
I finished Friday of last week off with timed 400m repeats and 1 minute max reps 2 pood KB swings & 95lb Squat Snatch efforts- endurance more, or less- so tomorrow I'll be getting back into my S.E.M Project rotation with a metcon WOD. Should be good times...

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