Sunday, June 27, 2010

Staying (+)

I had not the time nor the desire to get any blogging done last week. We all have those days or weeks that just beat us down mentally and physically. Last week was it for me. The "downed-tree incident" was a major logistical and financial burden, the multiple 12+ hr long days coaching in crazy hot weather just sucked the life out of me, and on Thursday when the CrossFit Springfield website crashed it felt like someone had abducted my child. I know, I's times like these that build character and teach you how to's just that sometimes it's easier to say that and harder to believe it in the moment.

I'm always telling my closest friends and loved ones to trust in the Lord and to have faith that He will make all things work together for the good. I do believe that. It was funny because as I spoke with Jenny Thursday- or rather- complained and griped to her like a baby about how frustrated I was with how my week had gone, she had to stop and remind me of what I'm constantly preaching.

As busted of a week as it was, after some prayer, refocusing, and taking a few deep breaths things did eventually work out for the good: The tree is being removed, I'm resting up, and the CFS site ended up being fully restored.

I'm also thankful to have had the opportunity to still get some quality WODs in last week despite all the madness. Yesterday, after coaching the 9 & 10am CFS WODs I did a great little gasser with a few guys from our box (Canyon, Andy, and Jon):

15 C & J, 155lb
Row 200m
15 Muscle Ups
Row 400m
15 Bench Press, 225lb
Row 600m

It was an awesome, intense, and quick battle. I took the early lead and was actually able to keep it through the muscle ups- but Andy passed me at the 10th Bench Press rep and was able to hold on and finish around 35 seconds ahead of me. I believe Andy's time was like 12:57 and mine ended up being somewhere around 13:35. Canyon and Jon were able to RX everything except the Bench Press where they both dropped to 185lb and still managed to finish the WOD strong. Thanks for hittin' this one with me, fellas!


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