At 11:30am Chance and myself took on WOD 3 for CrossFit Springfield's Fighfighter Challenge this weekend...
WOD 3:
One team member (A) must hold a 95/65lb barbell front racked while the other team member (B) runs around the building (285m).
Then Switch.
Team member (B) holds a 95/65lb barbell front racked while their partner (A) runs around the building (285m).
Partner (A) then picks up and front racks a 95/65lb barbell as well. Both athletes must then perform 30 Push presses each - HOWEVER – for either of your reps to count, while you perform your push press reps, your partner must simultaneously have their bar on their shoulders in the front racked position. Only one person may work at a time. While one teammate is accumulating reps, if the other partner lowers their bar from the racked position, the working persons reps will not count.
Once both athletes have completed 30 reps of push press each, both athletes will, one at a time, complete a 300ft prowler sled push (255/185lb).
Once both athletes have completed the sled pushes, the athletes will take turns performing a 150ft buddy carry or drag.
Once both athletes have completed the buddy carries, they will simultaneously complete a 300ft farmers carry (55/35lb in each hand)
Finally, Both partners must perform 15 Burpees each (both may work simultaneously)
Score = team time to complete the WOD. This WOD has a 17 minute time-limit.
We did the WOD dressed in full firefighter turnout gear with liners minus boots (except that I actually tried it in the boots and it was rediculous- so we're nixxing them and alowwing tennis shoes for the event). Our time was: 10:30. It's a tough WOD- full of just enough variety and suck factor that it will surely make for an interesting competition when winning and losing is on the line.
Saturday...12pm...CrossFit Springfield's 2nd Annual Firefighters Challenge!!! Come on out and cheer the 12 teams on!!! It's gonna be a battle, fo sho!!!
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