1 Week: Three PRs. I think Mista Miyagi say, "Dassa vedy goo Daniel san." We've all been in that place where you feel you're in a bit of a training rut. It could be for any reason, really. Maybe you're burned out, maybe a heatwave has struck the midwest and has been sucking the very life and O2 out of you. Or maybe you just had a baby and sleep has now become like that old best friend whom you are no longer on speaking terms with and when you happen to run into each other your meeting is just all awkward and short lived. You're numbers on lifts aren't what they've been when they've been at their best, your times seem to be getting slower, all is not well with your Jedi crossfit-force. Last week, this is where I found myself. I went into this week determined to get back into a good rhythm. I decided to keep swinging hard at everything thrown my way with the hope that maybe I'd connect with something. It began on Monday with my quest to pick up something heavy from the ground to my shoulders and then put it above my head. I programmed the following WOD for the CFS games competitors: C&J 5-4-3-2-1. Then, 1 minute of Toes Through Rings, 2 minutes of Double Unders, and 3 1/2 minutes to reach a 1RM of C&J (barbell begins unloaded). I warmed up well and on the 5-4-3-2-1 ended up hitting 290lb on the clean for a PR but missed the jerk overhead. On the 6 1/2 minute WOD I didn't do as well as I know I can (ended up with 432- got 265lb C&J) but I at least took away a small victory in reaching a new PR for clean. Momentum. Wednesday, I did the shoulder press,push press, front rack split jerk strength component of the CFS daily WOD. On split jerk I ended up sticking 285lb for another PR. More momentum. I had tossed around the idea of hitting "Fran" on Friday with CFS Coach and CFS Games athlete Andy Koch earlier in the week. Once Friday was upon us I wasn't feeling so frisky about going overhead after the volume of overhead training I did throughout the week.
Buuuuut....I decided to suck it up and be a gamer, dang it :) !!! No better time than right now...right? Right. Here's what ensued:
Gotta love getting a new PR on "Fran" (2:24) ...also gotta hate losing to that beast of a man, Cap'n Koch who also PR'd with a 2:18 (well done, sir!). But, hey 3 PRs in one week? Now, if that ain't positive momentum...
I love God. I love my family. I love life. I love my friends. I love people (even stupid ones). I love CrossFit. I love enhancing athletic performance. I love lamp.
Vitals Stats:
Amanda 4:55,
Fran 2:13,
"Chubby" Fran (115lb Thruster & CTB Pull Ups) 3:22,
Grace 1:22,
Isabel 1:52,
Cindy 26 rds + 5 Pull Ups,
Diane 4:16,
Karen 5:25,
Elizabeth 5:49,
Jackie 5:29,
Linda 27:00 (@ BW of 200lb),
Nate 13 rds,
Randy 3:26,
Helen 7:58,
Pyramid Double Helen 20:18,
Filthy 50 18:24,
FGB 403,
Bench Press 305lb,
Shoulder Press 190lb,
Back Squat 365lb,
Deadlift 550lb,
OHS 305lb,
OHS x 3 275lb,
30 Muscle Ups 4:45,
100 reps 24kg KB Swings 3:26,
Row 1000m 3:16,
Row 500m 1:26,
Run 400m 0:59,
Consecutive Pull Ups 60,
Consecutive Double Unders 158,
Behind the head Jerk 305lb,
Front Rack Split Jerk 300lb,
Clean 320lb,
Clean & Jerk 295lb,
Snatch 250lb,
Snatch Balance 255lb,
5min AMRAP C & J 155lb 41 reps
Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
prox·i·mal (adj): Closer to the axis of the body; Nearer to a point of reference such as an origin, a point of attachment, or the midline of the body; Toward the center of the body.
CrossFit Springfield is so much more than a place for elite athletes to become stronger, faster, more powerful, more flexible, more athletic, more agile, and more mentally tough. It's more than a place to gain greater work capacity over broad time and modal domains, and to set PRs and take off your shirt and roll around on the ground gasping for oxygen in a pile of sweat and possibly vomit.
CrossFit Springfield also happens to be a safe place where untrained or deconditioned athletes participate to test and better their strength, their endurance, and their will to become better people and better athletes. Fortunately for them, they receive daily instruction and coaching by the most caring, straight forward, knowledgeable, and motivating strength and conditioning coaching team in SouthWest Missouri.
There are two types of pain in life. The pain of discipline and the pain of regret. Any CrossFitter will tell you "It won't be easy" This is because it shouldn't be easy. You will earn your fitness. And your life will thank you for it.
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