It was back to the grindstone on Monday with a massive dose of backsquats. I did 5 x 7 backsquat(225-245-255-265-275lb) then 5 rounds of 1 min max reps backsquat @ 225lb straight into 1 minute of push press @ 135lb straight into 1 minute of rest. I can't even begin to describe how sore my rear is right now. Lately, I've been trying to force-feed myself heavy backsquats in an attempt to get a little better at them.
Today I trained at 7am with Macy and James. We did 50 Chest to bar pull ups, 100 double unders, and row 1500m for time. I felt pretty groggy when I woke up this morning. After chugging a couple cups of java and getting in a good 20-25 minute warm up I felt slightly less groggy. My time was 9:20, Macy finished in around 11 1/2 minutes with a 25lb weight vest, and James came in strong in around 13 minutes.
As the 2011 CrossFit Games season rapidly approaches, it's been great to be getting some workouts in throughout the week with a variety of very solid athletes. This Friday, Andy K. and I plan to take on a WOD written in honor of a Marine who served alongside Andy and lost his life in Iraq. We'll be giving it a test-run prior to Saturday's 11am CFS Hero WOD. It promises to be a doozy...
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